Thursday, July 9, 2009

Visiting My Mom

I just got back from visiting Mother Nature at a nearby campsite. The Sky was glorious with fluffy clouds travelling across a blue sky. The river kept everything nice and cool. The earth was a beautiful lawn with numerous trees. They were perfect for hammocks. I made a fire and enjoyed watching the flames dance along the sticks and logs.

My mother was fine. It was nice to see her again. Normally I am indoors and blind to the wind and weather. I surround myself with painted dry wall, cinder blocks, and concrete. It is like living in a small blind-spot in the middle of paradise.

At the campground I took a little time and studied some of Grivas' Practical Endgame play, and discovered a slight error on page 15 example 2.4. This means I am really studying and not just blindly following. Good for me.

Peace pawn pushers.

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