Friday, April 17, 2009

Running to the Bathroom

I drink a fair amount of coffee, diet pop, and iced tea. They all can send me flying off to the bathroom. Add to that the excitement and adrenalin rush of a good emotionally invested chess game, and I can be dancing in my pants.

The problem is that it could look like "toilet gate". To make matters worse, occasionally I have been known to string up to four or five Fritz first choices in a row. This is on very rare occasion sadly.

All I can figure is that I need to lighten up on the caffeine and liquid intake before a tournament.

I read years ago that a Grandmaster said, "A brain without sugar is not a brain." So I think I should plan on managing my physical energy through proper diet somehow. I'll drink my coffee black, whiskey straight, toast burnt, and eggs over medium with fried onions in the potatoes.

Paul Morphy probably smoked a pipe, ate doughnuts, and drank whiskey at the board for all I know. Capablanca must have smoked Havanas. Alekhine drank. Euwe was named after a sheep. And look what happened to them. They are all dead now.

Should I get a doctor's permission to play chess?

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